After many false starts it looks like IPv4 is finally exhausting with RIPE today issuing notice that they now have 1 months’ worth of IPv4 space left before they have to start…
Support to ISPs will surely rocket?
I had an interesting lunch with a supplier last week and we got talking about the advances in televisions and that now it is common for new TVs to have network ports…
The two speed internet
I have been interested to read on the subject of net neutrality (ie that all internet traffic is treated equal) and how the belief is that a two tier internet will be…
It does what it says on the tin
It seems that some stories on broadband still get broadsheet journalists in a tizzy with the latest being the debate over ‘up to’ or ‘average speed’. Last week a number of people…

LINX suffers
There seems to have been a some power issues over at Telehouse North this afternoon. A few ISPs and hosting providers are reporting outages and most notably LINX have suffered a significant…
Openreach go back to the old days of BT
Interesting development over the past few weeks has been BT Openreach actively telling end users about BT’s new (or old depending on how long you have been waiting for it) 21st Century…
Thank god I am not a consumer using broadband
While I enjoy talking to my mother, I think this week I have spoken to her more than when we lived together for 18 years. It all started when her home broadband…
Clouds in the sky
I am one for endorsing the merits of cloud computing, as previous articles will testify, however it does have one very major headache to overcome, the connection to it. As I have…

Bonded ADSL2+ takes on EFM
A lot of focus on the wholesale platform is giving other ISPs the ability to bond multiple lines together to get EFM speeds using the nationwide Be ADSL2+ network. We have had…
Fluidata wholesale ADSL2+ with Annex-M
Exciting developments in the world of Fluidata with the latest announcement of us partnering with Be to offer their ADSL2+ technology to other ISPs. We have been using the network for the…

Time to play
The playroom in the office is finally up and running. Bit difficult to make it out from the photo but sits alongside the video presence suite and gives visitors a chance to…
When is 100 Mb/s too much?!
Recently had a new fibre line installed into the office for general office use, VoIP and video. As you can see from the picture it is bloody fast bringing a 50 MB…
How to fix Digital Britain
Digital Britain has been released today. Not much there to help connectivity for business, the government seems to think it is important to offer faster speeds for those who share videos and…
Lord Carter fails to understand broadband
Another politician without a clue on the industry they are governing? Well if you believe the hype on the forthcoming Digital Britain report then it looks like another own goal for broadband in…
50 Mb/s for consumers
Virgin Media this week launched their 50 Mb/s home service. I have written here before on their offering and misuse of the term ‘fibre’ and will be interested to see exactly how…