BT recently announced details on their FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) trial that they are planning across the UK. They are looking to enable roughly 0.035% of the available cabinets with this…
What’s in a brand?
Company branding has always held a level of interest for me and when running your own business something that needs direction right from the beginning. I believe it evokes strong emotion and…
Tiscali hits the buffers
Interesting developments going on at Tiscali. With shares suspended and talks at an end with Sky, the company is currently worth about €100m. With debts of over €500m they are having big…
Video is finally here
The video-presence suite is now up and running. There are a few final adjustments to make in terms of optimising connectivity and aspect ratios of the cameras but for a first attempt…
How do you backup 99.99% uptime?
One concern I have had with the telecoms industry while running Fluidata has been around Service Level Agreements (SLA). Business customers demand that services stay up and provide their business with connectivity…
Where will 21CN go?
At a recent partner meeting with Cable & Wireless conversation turned to BT’s ongoing 21CN rollout. This multibillion pound investment by BT seems to be floundering especially when it comes to converting…
3-Years the industry norm?
After working in the telecoms industry for a number of years I have always been interested in why on the whole it has a bad reputation. Not necessarily as poor as…
Business look to bonding
The industry seems to be waking up to the idea of bonding as the demand for higher upload and download speeds increases. Fluidata has been doing this for the past few years…

Cisco 7604
Fluidata to help keep the internet ticking over. Well this is a picture of one of our new Cisco 7604 routers which will be brought online in the next few weeks across…
Less is definitely more
One of our most interesting products to be developed this year at Fluidata has been the VOX 2.0 service. For the past 18-months Fluidata has been using the Telefonica O2 network for…