There is a lot of talk at the moment about FTTH (Fibre to the Home) and FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) replacing DSL in the UK. However I think we are looking…
London Bridge grows
In light of the financial issues in Dubai I thought it would be worthwhile highlighting a new development closer to home. Since moving the office to London Bridge a few years ago…
When the best gets better
We have been selling our BURST service for a number of years offering clients up to 20 Mb/s downstream and 2.6 Mb/s upstream across the UK utilising Telefonica’s ADSL2+ Annex-M network. Our…
BT Leads from the top
A customer of ours recently suffered a complete outage when another ISP tried to install a line into their premises. Obviously wasn’t the ISP’s fault, just a bad job by a BT…
In preparation for Halloween I thought it would be a good idea to have a few pumpkins in the office. As you can see I obviously enjoyed the process and feel at…
Size doesn’t matter
When I was choosing my latest car one of my main requirements was to have a big engine. I was just fed up of having a small four cylinder engine, and especially…
Formula 1 gets exciting
I have enjoyed F1 more and more over the years with today’s Brazilian GP the best yet. Not only did we have a consecutive English champion for 2009 but the quality of…
It’s good to stay in touch
A good example of how far we have come with technology over the past few decades can be summarised by my brother, Toby, who last week moved to the USA. For most,…
Wax on, wax off
I find an important part of my working week is the chance to recharge the batteries and take stock of what I have accomplished in the week just gone. Yesterday evening as…
Openreach go back to the old days of BT
Interesting development over the past few weeks has been BT Openreach actively telling end users about BT’s new (or old depending on how long you have been waiting for it) 21st Century…
We should all use carrier pigeon
With talk of people growing their own vegetables, using grease proof paper instead of plastic and not having any lights on to save the planet it looks like the internet will take…
Thank god I am not a consumer using broadband
While I enjoy talking to my mother, I think this week I have spoken to her more than when we lived together for 18 years. It all started when her home broadband…
Shame that it looks like T-Mobile and Orange will join forces in the UK creating the largest mobile operator. From my perspective, as a consumer, I was hoping it would be O2…
Bonded ADSL2+ takes on EFM
A lot of focus on the wholesale platform is giving other ISPs the ability to bond multiple lines together to get EFM speeds using the nationwide Be ADSL2+ network. We have had…
Wholesale in the press
We have some advertising running in the press at the moment on the new wholesale platform in partnership with Be. The platform allows for other network operators to have direct L2TP (Layer…