Last year we were nominated for the London Health Commission awards, held at City Hall. I had forgotten all about this until they sent through a copy of the film they had…
Rural connectivity is used as a lever
There was an interesting turn of events this week with an open letter being sent to Ed Vaizey, Communications Minister, from a number of infrastructure carriers demanding for lower costs on BT’s…
It must be able to go faster
I recently moved home, near to Stratford upon Avon, and one of the hopes I had was faster broadband. It wasn’t the only reason for moving of course… After years of doing…
Fibre in 7-days sir? No problem.
I have just got back from a short holiday to the news that one of our customers ordered a 100 Mb/s leased line that was installed in just 7-days! Obviously it was…
Monster moves in next door
This week sees the completion of 7 More London which, as of next month, will become the home of Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC). In a plan to consolidate some of their London offices,…
How can business have trust in the cloud?
I have been interested in the events over the past couple of weeks which has seen Google suffer problems on their network, and even the like of Vodafone loosing connectivity in the…
Cirque du Soleil continues to wow
I seem to be running a bit behind on my updates, however one memorable visit we made as a company a few weeks ago was to the Royal Albert Hall to see…
Jenny the Juniper
I had the pleasure of having one of our new Juniper MX240s on my desk the other day after it was shipped in from the US. After waiting weeks for them to…
It does what it says on the tin
It seems that some stories on broadband still get broadsheet journalists in a tizzy with the latest being the debate over ‘up to’ or ‘average speed’. Last week a number of people…
Tron Legacy – a geek’s wet dream
Just before Christmas I got to an opportunity to go to the IMAX and see Disney’s latest reincarnation of the 80’s classic, Tron Legacy. In glorious 3D it was an epic movie…
Who is a CEO?
I have had a few meetings recently where it has become apparent that everyone running businesses seem to believe they are CEOs (Chief Executive Officer). Surely the correct title would be Managing…
At least I am not that crazy
Enjoyed last weeks test drive of the new Ariel Atom V8 on Top Gear. For those who have missed it, the V8 is the latest incarnation of the ultra fast Atom. Obviously…
Succeed with a Chinese Mother
I have really enjoyed reading the extracts from Amy Chau and her new book (‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’) in the Sunday Times over the last few weeks. It tells the…
In the middle of the Information Age
Michael Fevyer, our Sales Manager, put together a piece for a newsletter recently and it struck a chord so I thought it was worth repeating it here. So here we are, allegedly…
Shiny to a whole new level
As some of you may know I hold a peculiar passion in the form of cleaning my car (Wax on Wax Off). I am not quite sure if it is the sense…