With today being the day that Everything Everywhere has launched their 4G services in the UK (albeit it a handful of cities) I have decided to break my media silence. I hadn’t…
Cinema becomes 4D
I never used to be a particularly big cinema fan; I just couldn’t see the point of spending a huge amount of money to sit in a sticky and dirty room with…
Easynet is offloaded
We laughed in the office on the news that Easynet is finally being sold off by Sky as I have been saying it would happen for over a year. Some believed me,…
Who to choose for your home internet connection?
Interesting results from ThinkBroadband’s latest comparison between the main internet providers. Unsurprisingly for some, BE and O2 come out on top of everything including speed, which might seem odd considering the most…
Routers can make all the difference
Interesting piece on thinkbroadband.com with regards to router speeds over the O2/Be network we did a few months back. Basically as part of the wholesale offering for ADSL2+ we had to collate…
What to expect in the next decade?
As 2010 rolls in, I am reminded that a decade is a significant period of time and a good one to reflect on, especially in the world of IT and Telecoms. What…

And the crowd goes wild!
Quite a few members of the company are unashamedly into football, and while I can’t see the appeal, have started a Fluidata football team. They play six a side at the ELMS…
DSL – end of the line?
There is a lot of talk at the moment about FTTH (Fibre to the Home) and FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) replacing DSL in the UK. However I think we are looking…
Openreach go back to the old days of BT
Interesting development over the past few weeks has been BT Openreach actively telling end users about BT’s new (or old depending on how long you have been waiting for it) 21st Century…
Fluidata wholesale ADSL2+ with Annex-M
Exciting developments in the world of Fluidata with the latest announcement of us partnering with Be to offer their ADSL2+ technology to other ISPs. We have been using the network for the…

Time to play
The playroom in the office is finally up and running. Bit difficult to make it out from the photo but sits alongside the video presence suite and gives visitors a chance to…
50 Mb/s for consumers
Virgin Media this week launched their 50 Mb/s home service. I have written here before on their offering and misuse of the term ‘fibre’ and will be interested to see exactly how…