Data to take over Voice

Interesting piece in the FT today on the future of the mobile network operators and how over the next five years it is expected that data traffic over the airwaves will grow…

IPv4 hanging in there

After many false starts it looks like IPv4 is finally exhausting with RIPE today issuing notice that they now have 1 months’ worth of IPv4 space left before they have to start…

So far so normal

With the Olympics in full swing everything seems to be rather normal. This of course is a good thing but with months of meetings and contingency planning on how staff would get…

Don’t put that there

As I have mentioned before the sight of one of BT’s new street cabinets, used in the delivery of Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC), is significant especially when compared to the small…

The power of cloud

With all the talk of cloud I think it is easy to get swept up in the enthusiasm for it with little consideration for those who don’t work in our industry and…

How much?!

I was intrigued with the news that Facebook has valued and bought a company at a $1bn valuation when it has only 13 staff and never made a profit. For those of…