As I have mentioned before the sight of one of BT’s new street cabinets, used in the delivery of Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC), is significant especially when compared to the small…
When the best gets better
We have been selling our BURST service for a number of years offering clients up to 20 Mb/s downstream and 2.6 Mb/s upstream across the UK utilising Telefonica’s ADSL2+ Annex-M network. Our…
Fluidata wholesale ADSL2+ with Annex-M
Exciting developments in the world of Fluidata with the latest announcement of us partnering with Be to offer their ADSL2+ technology to other ISPs. We have been using the network for the…
Digital Britain becomes a cash cow
Interesting development in the final draft of the Digital Britian report is the £6 a year telephone line tax. It is proposed that every single line in the country will be subjected…