I have always considered what I do, in terms of starting and running a business, as the role of a businessman and not one of an entrepreneur. My view has always been…
Waitrose work hard to lose customers
I have written before about the power of a brand and the loyalty it can create, but this too can go against the business. Customer care, quality of product and reliability are…

Gigaclear continues to plug away
A lot of focus recently has been on the government funding currently being awarded to BT to deliver high speed broadband services to the majority of the country. However the realisation that…
End of the line for Virgin
I was interested in last week’s announcement that Virgin Trains would no longer have the West Coast mainline franchise as it has now been awarded to the First group. Ironically I was…

True fibre to the home
I have already banged the drum about the likes of BT and Virgin selling their broadband products as ‘fibre to the home’, when the cable coming into the home, is in fact…
Publicity stunt or new network?
There are some interesting developments in the world of Rural Broadband with Fujitsu this week announcing its new consortium with Virgin, TalkTalk and Cisco to deploy rural fibre to the premises (FTTP).…
Rural connectivity is used as a lever
There was an interesting turn of events this week with an open letter being sent to Ed Vaizey, Communications Minister, from a number of infrastructure carriers demanding for lower costs on BT’s…
It does what it says on the tin
It seems that some stories on broadband still get broadsheet journalists in a tizzy with the latest being the debate over ‘up to’ or ‘average speed’. Last week a number of people…
It is not fibre!
I am fed up with the apparent lack of education when it comes to our national broadband networks. Call me old fashioned but I believe in a world where what you sell…
Who to choose for your home internet connection?
Interesting results from ThinkBroadband’s latest comparison between the main internet providers. Unsurprisingly for some, BE and O2 come out on top of everything including speed, which might seem odd considering the most…
What’s in a brand?
Company branding has always held a level of interest for me and when running your own business something that needs direction right from the beginning. I believe it evokes strong emotion and…
How to fix Digital Britain
Digital Britain has been released today. Not much there to help connectivity for business, the government seems to think it is important to offer faster speeds for those who share videos and…
Three’s a crowd?
I am interested in the high publicity that the third runway at Heathrow is getting, especially as I don’t have any strong opinions one way or the other. However I don’t understand…
50 Mb/s for consumers
Virgin Media this week launched their 50 Mb/s home service. I have written here before on their offering and misuse of the term ‘fibre’ and will be interested to see exactly how…