Shameful waste

It seems that everywhere you turn you are reminded about the impact of plastic waste and the damage we are doing to the environment. But wind back ten years and there was…

Listening to customers

When I left school I went to work for a small IT company called Software Catalogue (that became Softcat) which basically sold IT equipment and software licences to businesses. Nothing too different…

Some politicians do care

I was fortunate to attend a fundraising dinner in London recently for the MP for Plymouth, Johnny Mercer in London. Held at a private members club it was an opportunity for Jonny…

Create memories

As someone who regularly thinks about death, not in a morbid way just always have, I tend to think about what I would remember on my death bed. It has helped me…

Bye bye Facebook

For about 11 years I have been a user of Facebook. Originally as the natural successor to Friends Reunited I got interested when they started to relax registrations from just university students.…

Dogs in the Office

When we moved our offices one of the prerequisites for me was to ensure wherever we ended up we would be allowed dogs in the office. While I hadn’t had my dog…

Pocket Rocket

To break my six month sabbatical from the blog I wanted to talk about my new toy which arrived the day before my birthday in December. I have spoken about it before…