Is less more?

This isn’t a blog about the EU referendum although I am sure the title could work… No this piece is about my favourite subject, automobiles. Recently I joined a new pilot with…

Tiger Mothers

With a new small person joining our family in the very near future, my wife and I have been discussing our planned parenting style and how we want to inspire and nurture…

Driving addiction

With the march towards autonomous driving and the electrification of the car the ability for a petrol head to really enjoy a day behind the wheel can be fraught with frustration. Most…

Back to the floor

One of my favourite programs was ‘Back to the Floor’ where owners and high level executives went back to the grass roots of their business to work with staff and customers to…

It is easy to tick boxes

In a letter in the Financial Times this week SKY, Vodafone and TalkTalk signed a letter asking Ofcom, the Competition and Markets Authority to investigate BT for their poor delivery of internet…

An old idea reinvented

With Elon Musk’s recent announcement of a battery for the home, I got thinking about how innovative this idea is and if it could change the world as the entrepreneur claims. I…

The future is electric

Previously I have written about the advancements in electric cars, notably the Golf GTE which combines electric power and a petrol engine in a classic hybrid format. I felt it ticked many…

The Speed of Change

Moore’s Law famously states that every year the number of transistors per square inch would double. Being the co-founder of Intel it was an insightful view back in 1971 and has remained…